- Sitting cross legged
- Straight back
- Arms resting on legs
- Relaxed hands
- Closed eyes
- Relaxed but connected body
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Inhale and Exhale deeply, slowly
- 3 repetitions
- Inhale while relaxing eyes, gently, eyelids only touching
- Exhale
- Inhale relax face, cheeks, jaw
- Exhale
- Inhale relax neck, soft, release tension
- Exhale
- Inhale relax shoulders, release
- Exhale
- Inhale relax arms, lowering to elbows, soft, relaxed
- Exhale
- Inhale relax back, connected but relaxed
- Exhale
- Inhale relax hands, soft
- Exhale
- Inhale relax hips, release, no more tension
- Exhale
- Inhale relax legs, knees
- Exhale
- Inhale relax ankles
- Exhale
- Inhale relax feet
- Exhale
- Inhale Feel feet soles, feel heart beat on feet soles
- Exhale
- Inhale See the light in front of your eyes, what color is this light
- Exhale
- Inhale Feel your heart, feel it beat
- Exhale
- Inhale Relax whole body, release body
- Exhale
- Inhale Release body
- Exhale
- Inhale open eyes slowly
- Exhale
- Lay down
- Arms stretched to body sides
- Palms looking up
- Mask over eyes
- Listen to music, and fall asleep
- Duration: 15 minutes